Follow these picture/steps to use your season tickets:
The example below uses "Singin' in the Rain" for demonstration only. Substitute the name of the show for which you are reserving seats. Use the buttons labeled 1 through 3 underneath the screen image below to move between the example images.
Image 1
On the Online Ticket Sales page, click the link to Purchase Tickets for [show name]. This brings you to the first picture. Enter your code in the box, and press Apply. Image 2 This will bring you to the second picture, which confirms your season ticket information. Press Continue. |
Image 3
This brings you back to the original screen, WITH your code information added to the page. Click the link that says: Buy Tickets (see where the arrow points), to start the process of choosing the performance and seats. You will NOT be charged for your tickets, as you are using the Season Ticket Code.
This brings you back to the original screen, WITH your code information added to the page. Click the link that says: Buy Tickets (see where the arrow points), to start the process of choosing the performance and seats. You will NOT be charged for your tickets, as you are using the Season Ticket Code.
Box Office Contact Information - email: [email protected] or call 503-893-5945