Becoming a Member in Good Standing
Mask & Mirror is a dynamic community theatre group. We aim to develop a core of fully-involved members who come together regularly to create exciting productions in the communities of Tigard and Tualatin.
We want to engage all those interested in theatre in its many forms: the artists, musicians, actors and directors; the producers and technical staff required to mount and run a show; the valued people who manage tickets, theater management and maintenance; the administrative and financial staff required to keep the organization sound; the publicists to garner name recognition and audience for our productions and activities; the benefactors who share their resources to keep our theatre alive and well; and those who love to come and be entertained.
Involvement in Mask & Mirror means more than coming together for a show and then going your own way. It means forming lasting artistic and social relationships through participation in community events, educational, social, and membership activities like our annual meeting.
If this sounds like an organization that fits your needs, you can join using the online form below. Please also tell us more about your interests and how you'd like to be involved using the online form or our downloadable PDF you can find here.
And please sign up for our free monthly newsletter using the form at the bottom of this page.
Mask & Mirror is a dynamic community theatre group. We aim to develop a core of fully-involved members who come together regularly to create exciting productions in the communities of Tigard and Tualatin.
We want to engage all those interested in theatre in its many forms: the artists, musicians, actors and directors; the producers and technical staff required to mount and run a show; the valued people who manage tickets, theater management and maintenance; the administrative and financial staff required to keep the organization sound; the publicists to garner name recognition and audience for our productions and activities; the benefactors who share their resources to keep our theatre alive and well; and those who love to come and be entertained.
Involvement in Mask & Mirror means more than coming together for a show and then going your own way. It means forming lasting artistic and social relationships through participation in community events, educational, social, and membership activities like our annual meeting.
If this sounds like an organization that fits your needs, you can join using the online form below. Please also tell us more about your interests and how you'd like to be involved using the online form or our downloadable PDF you can find here.
And please sign up for our free monthly newsletter using the form at the bottom of this page.
Paying your basic dues of $20 per year/individual ($30 per couple/family) and attending our annual meeting in June entitles you, as a Member In Good Standing (MIGS), to:
- Buy discounted tickets to our shows,
- Get preferential seating to our shows,
- Publicize your acting or tech gigs in our newsletter,
- Participate in any special social activities,
- Vote in elections or on any issues brought to the full membership by the Executive Board,
- Run for office on the Executive Board after nine months of being a member in good standing,
- Receive a free pen with the Mask & Mirror name emblazoned on it,