Play On!
by Rick Abbott Performance Dates: 11/07/2014-11/23/2014 |
A small community theater group is trying desperately to put on a play in spite of maddening interference from a haughty author who keeps revising the script. Act I is a rehearsal of the dreadful show, Act II is the near disastrous dress rehearsal, and the final act is the actual performance in which anything that can go wrong does. When the author decides to give a speech on the state of the modern theatre during the curtain calls, the audience is treated to a madcap climax to this thoroughly hilarious romp.
Directed by Harry McClane
Produced by Sarah Ominski
A small community theater group is trying desperately to put on a play in spite of maddening interference from a haughty author who keeps revising the script. Act I is a rehearsal of the dreadful show, Act II is the near disastrous dress rehearsal, and the final act is the actual performance in which anything that can go wrong does. When the author decides to give a speech on the state of the modern theatre during the curtain calls, the audience is treated to a madcap climax to this thoroughly hilarious romp.
Directed by Harry McClane
Produced by Sarah Ominski
Aggie Manville stage manager and prompter Geraldine (Gerry) Dunbar community theater director Henry Benish “Lord Dudley” – a character actor Polly Benish “Lady Margaret” – a character actress Marla (Smitty) Smith “Doris the Maid” – a supporting player Saul Watson “Doctor Rex Forbes” – a villain Billy Carewe “Stephen Sellers” a juvenile Violet Imbry “Diane Lassiter” an ingénue Louise Peary a sound – and – lighting – and – scenic technician Phyllis Montague a novice playwright in the community Crew Asst Director Costumes Posters, Set Design & Build Lighting Sound Prerecorded Sound Effects Prerecorded Sound for Act III Set Detailing Load In Help Photography Stage Manager House Manager House/Box Office Backstage Crew Ushers, Box Office & Concession |
Jayne Ruppert KC Cooper Gary Romans Pat Romans Jayne Furlong Nick Hamilton Jacob Claytor Sarah Thornton Lauren Scher Phyliss Lang MacKenzie McClane Viola Pruitt Nick Hamilton Brian Ollom Steve Hotaling Tony Smith Jay Dressler Cindy Zimmerman Michael Allen Al Stewart Michal Denny Joe Pottschmidt Cindy Green, John Nordholt John Nordholdt ... Thanks to our crew of volunteers! |